Gonna go fast by goin' slow...
Businesses tend to make decisions at one of two speeds: lightning quick or glacier slow. And never the twain shall meet, right?
Here’s an interesting idea for your business: Be deliberate and methodical.
Startups and younger businesses tend to fly by the seat of their pants. Decisions are made quickly … reflexively even. Often without much as to how such decisions will fit into a long term strategy (which, of course, presumes that a long strategy exists in the first place). Older businesses, and larger businesses, tend to overthink everything. Committees get appointed, minutiae evaluated, reports drafted, reports redrafted, and so on and so on.
There’s a happy medium in between. And more specifically, by slowing down, you can actually speed up. As noted in this article, small businesses who did this “ended up averaging 40% higher sales and 52% higher operating profits.”
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