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The Ernst Law Firm — A law practice dedicated to serving the small and mid-sized businesses of Ohio
The Ernst Law Firm — A law practice dedicated to serving the small and mid-sized businesses of Ohio
All tagged #theentrepreneurialgeneralcounsel
Ohio’s employment discrimination laws just got turned on their head….
Eggs and sausage and a side of toast
Coffee and a roll, hash browns over easy
Chili in a bowl with burgers and fries
What kind of pie?
Forcing employees to get vaccinated might not be the best thing to do…
Be. Do. Say. Lead. Things are different and business owners have to learn to pivot in order to lead their employees.
New protections for employers from COVID-19 liability.
Employees are returning to work. Employers are afraid of being sued by them.
Some quick thoughts to help business owners lead during these trying times.
By practicing prudence, small businesses can and will survive this pandemic