2L — Ohio Northern University Pettit College of Law

“Through my work on Baldwin’s Ohio Practice: Tort Law, I was able to develop enhanced legal writing and analytical skills.  Those skills have not only been beneficial to my law school coursework, they also helped me gain a position on law review.  I strongly encourage any student to consider this valuable opportunity.”

2L & 3L — University of Cincinnati College of Law

“Working with Christopher was a great experience that helped me find my legal research and writing.  Perspective employers also looked positively on my time with the project and often discussed it with me during interviews.”

2L — Case Western Reserve University School of Law

"I had an incredible experience working with Chris on this project. Not only did I improve my writing skills, but I also improved my ability to find what is important when reading a case. I have already seen these skills immensely help me in my law school career and work experiences. I highly recommend participating in this experience!"