Is a Hybrid Work Arrangement the Most Beneficial?
Much has been written (including by me) about the issues and problems presented by the shift to work-from-home during the pandemic. While the issue of how companies go about handling these policies remains top of mind, another issue near the top of the list is what sort of work arrangement benefits all. Is work-from-home freeing and liberating? Or is it isolating and monotonous?
Author Katie Canales, a tech reporter for Business Insider, wrote about her experiences returning to her WeWork office space in Texas. Aside from now having to worry about what to wear to work, Canales noted that what was routine before the pandemic — like packing a bag of items to take the office — now seemed liked a chore. But the day seemed to be better organized (beginning, middle & end) and even small talk with others was refreshing.
As Canales concluded, an appearance at a work space that was not her home helped to alleviate the “sameness” of working from home. It just might be that a hybrid work arrangement is the best for your employees.
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